8 tips to improve your English

Travis Ross
4 min readNov 12, 2020

You may already think you have a good knowledge of English but are you also the best English speaker in the world? Maybe your English skills are good on paper, but speaking is not always as smooth. With these 8 tips, you will increase your level of English, both in writing and in speaking. This way you will master the English language much faster!

1. Read, read, read

Books, newspapers, websites, emails, social media, the back of your cereal box: if it’s English, read! Why? Reading English helps you find new words and makes it easier for you to remember the words you already know. This allows you to improve your vocabulary. You will also learn about certain sayings or expressions that are essential to a full understanding and command of the language.

2. Write it down

A golden oldie but it really works! When you discover a word you don’t know, write it down. Use a notebook or an online tool like Evernote for this. Always try to accompany the new word with the context in which you should use the word. This makes it easier for you to later remember how to use this word correctly.

3. Talk to a person

Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

What is a language for? Exactly, to communicate! We humans can help ourselves by communicating with each other online without having to use our voice. A pen pal is very charming but goes a little further than just Whatsapp. Speaking the language takes you so much further than just writing. How often do you hear that people understand a language, but do not speak it? Therefore: look for native speakers, immerse yourself in their culture, and dare to make mistakes.

4. Follow the English online

Bloggers, vloggers, politics, humor: follow it in English. While traveling to work or school, listen to an English podcast on a topic that interests you. This way you get to know the different accents, but also slang and sayings that make a language unique. Slightly different from that perfect robot voice on your Duolingo app.

Cross the water

There is no better way to learn English than by effectively traveling to an English speaking country and practicing your English there on a daily basis. English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world (and thanks to the EF EPI report you immediately know in which countries they understand English best), but staying in a country where the language is actually spoken is a hundred times better. Fortunately, the list of options remains endless, just think of Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and South Africa (just to name a few). Pack your bags and get a free language course on vacation.

6. Use your friends

Do you have friends who are English speaking, or do you know people who write a blog in English or share messages in English: read them and share them on your own profile. Read or listen to at least two articles, videos, blog posts, or songs per day. In this way, you keep busy with the language every day.

7. Ask questions

Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

When you start learning English, you will immediately have a number of questions. Ask that too! If you are enrolled in a course you can ask the teacher for answers, otherwise, the internet is an endless source of answers. Google knows everything, well almost. No question is stupid. Just not asking is very stupid. Insecurity does not help you to become more confident in a foreign language. So ask your questions!

8. Start with what you need

If you really want to know a language, you also have to be able to do more than just talking about little cows and calves. If you’ve already commented on the weather, asked how it’s going, and ordered your drink, it’s time to talk about something else. Educate yourself on the jargon surrounding your study, work, or interests. Are you going on the exchange: focus on the vocabulary surrounding your studies. If you are going to a conference: practice your questions to participants and learn the jargon of your profession. If you are going on a gap year, brush up your vocabulary in the travel and tourism category. If you want to learn everything at once, you may get burnout, it is best to focus on what you need.

